Member Conduct Code

Fusion Fortress | Community rules

In the Fusion Fortress community we aim for an welcoming atmosphere where everyone can engage and have fun together – your contribution is crucial, in achieving that goal.

These guidelines are meant for everyone who uses Fusion Fortress games and services to ensure interactions, with others; they are not exhaustive. Provide general direction on how to engage respectfully.

Adhering to the guidelines is straightforward and simple; however should they be. Disregarded appropriate measures will be implemented, even extending to a permanent suspension.

Community Rules:
  • Be cautious, about sharing information of other players and its a good idea to keep your own details confidential as well except, for your display name.
  • Intolerance and discrimination should never be condoned in any shape or form; it goes against the values of respect and equality that we should uphold as a society.
  • Behaving in a manner, towards others is important, in both interactions and activities to avoid bullying and conduct.
  • Refain, from pretending to be someone such, as gamers or influencers while playing at Fusion Fortress or interacting with the staff members there.
  • Fair Play and Respect, for the Game; Always strive to play by the rules with honesty and integrity without resorting to cheating or unfair advantages, through collusion or exploiting mistakes made by developers.
  • Avoid participating in activities that're risky or, against the law to ensure your safety and well being.
  • Content that is not suitable for all audiences is not allowed within the Fusion Fortress ecosystem; all interactions and engagements should aim to create an environment, for everyone involved.
  • Consequences are evaluated individually for each violation of a rule.
  • If you come across a player who is violating the rules during your game session simply make a report, about their behavior, within the game itself.
  • Ensure to protect the security of your information.

  • This is not the final version of the Fusion Fortress Community Rules. Keep an eye on changes. After all, we gathered together to have fun playing games!